Zotefoam Plc.
675 Mitcham Road, Croydon Surrey
CR9 3AL United Kingdom

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Here at Zotefoam Plc we specialise in the manufacturer of cross-linked block foams.

From our base in Croydon we manufacture a variety of closed cell cross-linked polyolefin foams using our unique nitrogen expansion process which is environmentally friendly & non-contaminating.

Using this bespoke production process we are able to produce foams with controlled properties. Our foams are of strength, consistency & quality far superior to those produced through other methods.

We also manufacture in the USA under Zotefoams Inc., our owned subsidiary.

Our product range includes:

Zotek F
Zotek N
Zotek Peba foam

We have gained accreditations to the following standards:

FM 01870
OHS 52538
EMS 36270

The industries we supply to include:

Sports & leisure

We have a large selection of brochures relating to our products & products applications on our website for more detailed information.

We also have a Frequently Asked Questions section for guidance & reference.

For our latest news, press releases & announcements please visit the Whats New section of our website where we have these documents in downloadable format.

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

Zotefoam Plc. on Google Maps

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