Bowtech Electronics International
5a Manor Way Old Woking, Woking Surrey
GU22 9JX United Kingdom

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Bowtech Electronics International formerly Bowmar Instrument Limited, has been an Importer and Distributor of Industrial, Military and Aerospace Components for some 40 years and is Registered under ISO9001:2008.

Formed in the UK as Bowmar Instrument Ltd. in 1963, the company remained a subsidiary of Bowmar Instrument Corporation of the USA until the Management buyout in April 1991. In September 1995 the name was changed to Bowtech Electronics International Ltd. and in June 2005 the Ltd. company was dissolved by Peter M. Hunter who continues to trade the business as Bowtech Electronics International.


Bowtech Electronics has formed close links with major passive component manufacturers over the past twenty years which has enabled the company to offer an extensive range of products with full certification and traceability. Bowtech hold BSI Registration to ISO9001:2008, and CECC /IECQ and currently supply major OEM's in the Aerospace, Defence and Industrial Sectors of the UK and European electronics industry.


A dedicated sales team is available to provide an immediate response to requests for quotations and technical support on a wide range of products from Surface Mount Capacitors and Resistors to NTC and PTC Thermistors, RTD Sensors, DC Mini Motors, Synchros, Resolvers, Encoders, Elapsed Time Indicators, Aircraft quality AC Motors and Generators GPS, GPRS and Bluetooth Antenae and Tilt Sensors.

Bowtech hold stock of an extensive range of products enabling same day despatch and will hold agreed buffer stocks for regular OEM users enabling Kanban, Faxban and ‘Ship to Line' deliveries as part of the service. Bowtech also understands the needs of smaller companies and those embarking upon design projects where small quantity orders and samples are required to initiate the projects and develop prototypes.

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