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Brian Milligan Associates
57 Wensley Road, Salford Lancashire
M7 3GJ United Kingdom

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The UK Environmental Consultants specialising in Occupational Hygiene and Workplace Health and Safety.

Do you have health, safety and environmental issues in the workplace? Such as dust, fumes, chemicals, noise – or even a sick building?

If the answer is yes, we are here to help you to comply with the law, keep your workers healthy and ensure that your organisation stays both effective and efficient.

Brian Milligan Associates UK are Environmental and Occupational Hygiene Consultants who will:
Identify hazards
Assess the risks
Advise on suitable control measures
Check operation of current controls

Brian Milligan Associates offers the following Occupational Hygiene Services:
COSHH Assessment
Air Sampling
Noise measurement and control
Office environment

Our other services include: Emissions Testing LEV Testing

We are particularly interested in servicing clients in the Greater Manchester area, and the following counties: Lancashire Cheshire West Yorkshire Cumbria

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

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