15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield South Yorkshire
S1 2BX United Kingdom

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For over 26 years, the IGE+XAO Group have been a software publisher involved with the design, production, sales and maintenances of a range of Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.

These CAD software products have been designed to help manufacturers in the design and maintenance of the electrical part of production processes. This type of CAD is called ‘Electrical CAD’. IGE+XAO have built a range of Electrical CAD software designed for all the manufacturers, which functions either with an independent computer or with a company network.

Our product ranges include:

Electrical Design
System Design
Electrical Manufacturing
Data Management

Our experts devote all of their abilities to the development our software.
All our employees are continuously trained and kept up to date with the latest technologies. Some of them have been with IGE+XAO since 1989 and are considered among the most experienced electrical CAD professionals in the UK.

Our ever-increasing clientele list all has one thing in common: the need for high performance in order to stay ahead of the competition. Our specialised programs offer highly superior productivity and unsurpassed task execution.

We have taken on numerous key accounts in the following industries:

Food, Chemical & Steel
Power Generation & Distribution
Electrical & Electronics Equipment

Total satisfaction of our clients is our number one goal, and a number of client testimonials are available from our website.

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

IGE+XAO Ltd on Google Maps

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