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Jaeggi Hybridtechnology Ltd.
5 The Hollies Newton, Rugby Warwickshire
CV23 0DD United Kingdom

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Welcome to JAEGGI Hybridtechnology Ltd., experts in hybrid recooling.
The company was founded 1929 in Berne, Switzerland, and today has its headquarters in Basel. We operate production facilities in Europe, America and Asia; this guarantees direct market access everywhere in the world. 

Our fields of activity include:

Service of hybrid dry coolers and condensers

JAEGGI specialises in the servicing and construction of the following innovative products:

Hybrid Dry Coolers
Hybrid Dry Condensers
Advanced Dry Coolers

JAEGGI combine economy with environmental conservation, and with these products and services, JAEGGI actively contributes to resource protection by saving energy and water.
The ISO 9001 quality management system and modern production controls guarantee supreme quality and excellent reliability for our customers all over the world.

We are member of the Guntner Group with 3000 employees.

We are an established manufacturer worldwide of components for:

Cooling systems
Air conditioning installations and industrial application

Customer service comes first at JAEGGI, and we will competently answer all your questions about our products and services. Our mission is to ensure that our coolers meet the specific requirements of our customers, whilst ensuring that we develop energy and water saving technology.

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

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