Normid Simplifile
Phoenix Drive Northgate, Walsall West Midlands
WS9 8TL United Kingdom

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Here at Normid Simplifile we specialise in filing solutions for your business. Based in the midlands we supply to customers throughout the UK.

We design our products to a high standard utilising bespoke technology which prevents the need to stamp holes in documents, use planfile tape or wingnuts. You can just clamp paperwork in & go. The design makes documents easy to find and fast to access.

Our product range includes:

ECO Plan Filing
PRO Plan Filing
ERGO Desks
& More.

Please visit our website to view the full range of our products.

We have an online shop where you can view and purchase our products 24/7. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced team members.

The industries we supply to include:

& Many more

For more information on the products and services we provide please view our online brochure which can be found on our website.

We also have a how to buy section detailing how you can place your order with member of our sales team directly over the phone.

Please visit our website for more details.

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

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