Oxford Semiconductor Ltd
25 Milton Park, Abingdon Oxfordshire
OX14 4SH United Kingdom
OX14 4SH United Kingdom
Driving directions to Oxford Semiconductor Ltd on map
Phone: 01235824900
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.oxsemi.com
Driving directions to Oxford Semiconductor Ltd on map
Purple Turtle Union Bar. Leisure business. Call now: 01865247086. Frewin Court Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 3JB
Alvabond Ltd. Electronics business. Call now: 02082087900. Unit 2/Sayer House Oxgate Lane London NW2 7JN
Primagraphics Ltd. Electronics business. Call now: 01763852222. New Cambridge House Bassingbourn Road Royston Hertfordshire SG8 0SS
Orbis Technologies Ltd. Manufacturing business. Call now: 01295273179. 5a Thorpe Close Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 4SW
R and L Bailey. Electronics business. Call now: 01722323457. 50 Fisherton Street Salisbury Wiltshire SP2 7RB
G Force. Recruitment business. Call now: 01869326655. 29A Market Square Bicester Oxfordshire OX26 6AG