Quantum-3 Aluminium Ltd.
Unit E4 Halesfield 5, Telford Shropshire
TF7 4QJ United Kingdom

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Here at Quantum-3 Aluminium Ltd. based in Shropshire, we are a 'One Stop' base for Automation of Processes and Production. Our company was founded in 2000, and we specialise in the supply and manufacture of aluminium profiles.

Formally UDS we have now joined forces with another company and we are trading as Quantum-3 Aluminium Ltd.

The company now has a total work force resource of 16 people including 3 CAD designers, accounts department, fitters and three sales people. We have a full stock of all our aluminium parts , profiles etc ready for immediate delivery to the end customer .

We also now have enough floor space to cover almost any requirement from special purpose machine builders etc. We also specialise in the supply screw driving systems.

Barry Bowen, started his working life as an engineering apprentice at Dowty, Wolverhampton. Barry spent the next twelve years in the aerospace industry before moving to tooling sales in 1989 and to date has over 20 years of experience in assembly tooling, specialising in automatic screwdriving systems.

At the start of the Millennium, UDS became the UK agent for world renowned German screw driving and assembly technology specialists, Stoger Automation. In recent years UDS has complemented and enhanced its range by becoming agents for several other leading International automation tooling, companies including: Ober DSM & Nasco.

We have supplied our aluminium profile and auto fed screwdriver products to a wide number clients coming from a whole range of different industries, some examples include:

Medical companies
Special purpose machine builders
Flat pack furniture manufacturers
Major wheel chair manufacturing company
White goods manufacturer
Major automotive suppliers
Automotive OEM plants
& many more.

We have forged links with specialist companies around the world, which has enabled us to be able to offer complete solutions to meet our customers' requirements.

In addition we also manufacture a range of our own Tool Suspension Arms including:

Pantograph Arms with Pneumatic Balancing
Linear Arms with Spring Suspension
Pantograph Arms with Pneumatic Downward assist
Pantograph Arms with Vertical Positional Lock

Here at Quantum-3 Aluminium Ltd. we can undertake:
Total Assembly Projects
Unit Supply
Part Integration of any of the above unit

We pride ourselves in working very closely to our customers to develop ideas, and by utilizing this extensive range of products, to provide a total service.

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

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