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Reluminate Ltd.
6 Townsend Business Park Bere Regis, Wareham Dorset
BH20 7LA United Kingdom

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There are many factors that are intensifying the pressure on property managers to maximise the operational and energy performance of their buildings, these include:

Increasing competition
Rising energy costs
Tighter margins
Growing environmental directives.

In order to drive your profitability, you need to keep your buildings operating for longer on a day-to-day basis. Yet you also need to reduce their environmental impacts, squeeze energy and maintenance bills and still keep your tenants satisfied and comfortable.

This is where we come in, Reluminate is a unique low energy and low carbon lighting product.

By working with us, we can provide you with the products that you need in order to:

Embrace new energy-efficiency strategies that cut your carbon footprints, save costs and satisfy today's environmental legislation
Develop more focused, pro-active and efficient maintenance regimes
Predict lamp replacements with greater certainty
Increase the reliability and lifespan of your lighting to capture higher ROI
Fine-tune the internal environment of your buildings for improved tenant satisfaction

Our Luminaires deliver huge energy and cost savings in comparison to the out-dated equipment currently used in the vast majority of UK lighting installations.

Our research shows that the Reluminate Standard Model provides a 34% plus energy saving and the Reluminate Eco Model increases savings further to 47% plus. The opportunity for greater energy and cost savings if further increased with the use of PIR and/or light sensors energy is only consumed when needed.

We have a choice of luminaire models including:

The Reluminate Standard Model
The Reluminate Eco Model
The Reluminate Dimmable Model

All Reluminate's Recessed Modular Luminaires are built in the UK using top quality reclaimed bodies.

Every one of Reluminate's products is thoroughly inspected and tested before it leaves our factory.

Reluminate combines a commitment to recycling and energy conservation with sophisticated electrical engineering.

Following refurbishment all the Reluminate Luminaires are fitted with high efficiency T5 fluorescent tubes.

Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

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