Vulcascot Cable Protectors
Unit 12, Norman – D – Gate Bedford Road, Northampton Northamptonshire
NN1 5NT United Kingdom

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Here at Vulcascot Cable Protectors we specialise in the manufacture and distribution of a comprehensive range of floor laid flexible cable protectors and associated products.
Cable Protectors do exactly what their name suggests.  They safely carry cables across areas where cabling would either be at risk from damage by passing traffic or become a healthy and safety trip hazard.
Our wide product range includes:
Snap Fit Flexible Cable Protector
Snap Top Flexible Cable Protectors
Snap Fit Hazard Warning Flexible Cable Protectors
Snap Fit Multi Compartment Cable Protectors
Crysclear Flexible Cable Protectors
Industrial and Industrial HiVis Cable Protectors
Temporary Traffic Calming Cable Protectors
Heavy Duty Cable Protectors
Electrical Switchboard Matting
Vulcascot Wheel Chocks

Our products are suitable for a variety of industries and environments including:

Heavy Duty 
Our web site hosts a number of features including:
Latest news
Online brochure
Online contact form
To discuss your needs and options, please call a member of our team today.
Click on our Trade Link for more Information.

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